In his program of candidate for the supreme magistracy of Niger, the President of the Republic HE Mr. MOHAMED BAZOUN, elected following free democratic and transparent elections recognized by national political actors and external partners, pledged to make Niger an emerging country resting on solid pillars.
This desire was clearly expressed in the Government’s General Policy Statement. It is based on the security of people and goods, the installation of democratic and stable institutions, good governance, recognized and protected freedoms, but also an economy of growth and sustainable development through the development of natural resources, infrastructure development and intensification of agricultural production.
The security and political context.
The highlight is undeniably the preservation of the climate of security and peace, in a sub-regional context attacked by armed conflicts and all forms of terrorist threats. Indeed, the Libyan crisis extended and amplified by separatist and terrorist movements in Mali has revealed the solidity of the security system in Niger, which makes this country appear as an island of stability and peace, which must be preserved at all costs. , in order to prevent these movements from joining with those operating in northern Nigeria. This is why the President of the Republic has clearly indicated that security is consubstantial with economic and social development. He thus opted in favor of a global solution touching at the same time the security, economic and administrative aspects. In this perspective, the Government is committed to promote and accelerate economic and social development, but also to strengthen the capacities of the defense and security forces to ensure the security of people and property throughout the national territory. . In this case, Niger has chosen to advocate for the benefit of stronger cooperation between the ECOWAS countries and the countries of the Sahelo-Saharan zone, in order to provide common responses to these growing threats. worldwide.
To sustainably consolidate these actions, the Government set out to install strong, credible, and durable democratic institutions during its first phase. Thus all the institutions of the Republic are in place and functional (National Assembly, Mediator, Economic and Social Council, High Court of Justice, National Commission of Human Rights, Court of Auditors, Superior Council of Communication and Constitutional Court). The democratic exercise of power is this fact a reality, it ensures the participation of all the vital forces of the nation in the balance of power.
Likewise, the Government works tirelessly in favor of the establishment of a culture of good governance, based on the following axes:
The steadfast fight against corruption, right of way, influence peddling, and embezzlement of public funds through several strong actions: capacity building of magistrates, systematic control of judicial and penitentiary services; the creation of a National Agency for Legal Assistance as well as the creation of a website: In addition, a hotline to collect complaints and denunciations and an Anti-Corruption Authority have been set up. Finally, the consolidation of public finances continues with the processing of economic and financial delinquency files and the office for the fight against money laundering, created within the framework of the African Economic Union (CENTIF) has been strengthened and revitalized.
The promotion of freedom of opinion and expression, with the adoption of a law decriminalizing press offenses, awarded an annual subsidy to independent press organs. To reinforce this desire, His Excellency the President of the Republic signed the Table Mountain Declaration. This has led Reporters Without Borders to reclassify Niger from 175th place to 29th place in terms of press freedom worldwide and to 4th place in Africa.
Promotion of human rights; about that the government has successfully passed the Universal Periodic Review June 11, 2011, on the occasion of the 17th session of the Human Rights Council UN Rights in Geneva, which earned in Niger to be cited as a model of “good practice” in terms of respect for human rights;
The economic context
The economic context of the company has also undergone profound changes in order to facilitate the development of mining, water, agricultural and forestry potential. The Government thus reaffirmed the choice of a market economy open to the rest of the world, within an integrated sub-regional framework. So :
State monopolies have thus been abolished and free competition is guaranteed in all sectors of the economy. In this dynamic, the State has withdrawn from the commercial sectors;
The creation of a structure specializing in the facilitation of the creation and support of businesses, called “the company house”;
The creation of the National Council of Private Investors (CNIP) , placed under the chairmanship of His Excellency the Prime Minister, Head of Government and with as First Vice-President, the President of the Consular Chamber. the CNIP is made up of Ministers and representatives of all economic branches. It is an analysis and decision-making body, to remove obstacles and obstacles to private investment.
Membership in the sub-regional and regional integration process through our membership in ECOWAS and UEMOA, a market of over 300 million consumers, which is a powerful incentive for investment;
Niger also serves as a supply port for the most populous country of ECOWAS (Nigeria) which has more than 160 million inhabitants, with which it shares a border over more than 1,800 km;
Niger’s membership of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA);
In perspective, good governance, the implementation of the “3N” Initiative, the development of transport and energy infrastructure, mining operations and diversification, as well as the modernization of urban centers will revive growth in 2012 with a real rate of 14%, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a double-digit change over the next few years.
In his program of candidate for the supreme magistracy of Niger, the President of the Republic HE Mr. MOHAMED BAZOUN, elected following free democratic and transparent elections recognized by national political actors and external partners, pledged to make Niger an emerging country resting on solid pillars.
This desire was clearly expressed in the Government’s General Policy Statement. It is based on the security of people and goods, the installation of democratic and stable institutions, good governance, recognized and protected freedoms, but also an economy of growth and sustainable development through the development of natural resources, infrastructure development and intensification of agricultural production.
The security and political context.
The highlight is undeniably the preservation of the climate of security and peace, in a sub-regional context attacked by armed conflicts and all forms of terrorist threats. Indeed, the Libyan crisis extended and amplified by separatist and terrorist movements in Mali has revealed the solidity of the security system in Niger, which makes this country appear as an island of stability and peace, which must be preserved at all costs. , in order to prevent these movements from joining with those operating in northern Nigeria. This is why the President of the Republic has clearly indicated that security is consubstantial with economic and social development. He thus opted in favor of a global solution touching at the same time the security, economic and administrative aspects. In this perspective, the Government is committed to promote and accelerate economic and social development, but also to strengthen the capacities of the defense and security forces to ensure the security of people and property throughout the national territory. . In this case, Niger has chosen to advocate for the benefit of stronger cooperation between the ECOWAS countries and the countries of the Sahelo-Saharan zone, in order to provide common responses to these growing threats. worldwide.
To sustainably consolidate these actions, the Government set out to install strong, credible, and durable democratic institutions during its first phase. Thus all the institutions of the Republic are in place and functional (National Assembly, Mediator, Economic and Social Council, High Court of Justice, National Commission of Human Rights, Court of Auditors, Superior Council of Communication and Constitutional Court). The democratic exercise of power is this fact a reality, it ensures the participation of all the vital forces of the nation in the balance of power.
Likewise, the Government works tirelessly in favor of the establishment of a culture of good governance, based on the following axes:
The economic context
The economic context of the company has also undergone profound changes in order to facilitate the development of mining, water, agricultural and forestry potential. The Government thus reaffirmed the choice of a market economy open to the rest of the world, within an integrated sub-regional framework. So :
In perspective, good governance, the implementation of the “3N” Initiative, the development of transport and energy infrastructure, mining operations and diversification, as well as the modernization of urban centers will revive growth in 2012 with a real rate of 14%, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a double-digit change over the next few years.